If you are struggling to pay your student loans, or, are presently considering taking on more than you might be able to eventually handle, please do read on. A bill introduced this week in congress would require your employer to withhold your student loan payments from your paycheck in exactly the same way that social security is now withheld. As presently written, this bill would allow up to 15% to be withheld from you. Yikes!
So why is this bill even being considered? Student loan debt has surpassed credit card debt in the United States for the first time ever. It is approaching the one Trillion dollar mark! And, continues to grow. So what else do you think is happening? In this economy it is an easy answer. Student loans are being defaulted on at an alarming rate. Of course leaving the taxpayer on the hook, and doing further economic damage to our sputtering economy.
The problem for you the consumer is that if you are currently defaulting on your student loans, there are a variety of problems that you set up for yourself. Military service becomes an issue, as well as Federal employment, and a slew of other things.
If you are reading this, now would be an excellent time to take advantage of programs through the Dep’t of Education for student loan consolidation, and forgiveness, and a lowering of your present payments.
learn more about these forgiveness programs in detail, and download a simple
application to receive an absolutely free evaluation of what is available for
you in terms of relief through the Federal Dep’t of Education,
visit: Consolidate My Student Loans.
If you would like to speak to us about any debt problem you may have simply contact me using the information below. The counseling is always free.
Yours Truly
Steven Ciantro
Consumer Advocate
American Debt Enders
Certified Credit Counselor
TalkShoe Radio
Member National Association of Certified Credit Counselors
Debt Expert for Gail Kasper's Top 1% Club
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