Read a credit counselors expert review of ebooks written to help you handle finance issues relating to debt relief, credit repair, bad credit loans, debt consolidation, debt settlement before you purchase.
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this site is primarily devoted to debt help issues I came across a website that
I feel can be so helpful to many of you who love to read but for one reason or
another may have difficulty doing it. Being
an avid reader myself, I could not resist sharing this information here. The
website to actually get free audio books, can be found by simply clicking the
previous link.
have an outstanding group of books about self empowerment and finance. As most
of you know who read my work, I preach debt freedom as a way to self
empowerment in life, and while this works, it also leads the way to financial
success in so many ways.
do enjoy the Audio Book website and if you are not reading, do get some audio books you can listen to them while driving. And
while we are on the subject also, feel free to subscribe to my free credit
counseling newsletter.
if you need debt help, feel free to call me anytime, or email me. The talking
is always free.
The case for using a reputable program
to help settle your debt, is in this writers humble opinion stronger today than
ever. Before I go on, let me establish some of my personal beliefs so you know
where I am coming from. I am a Christian who did not grow up as a real
believer. At least not the type of belief system that would change a persons
life. So I would say that my moral compass is pretty strong, and I have learned
to take a very non judgmental view of people, as we all fight basically the
same battles in life. You know, “there but for the Grace of God go I”. I
believe it is of the utmost importance to always take a stance and do the right
thing by others, no matter how painful it may be to you.
So that having been said, yes, I
believe that there is a very strong case to be made for utilizing debt
settlement to relieve a debt problem and regain the ability to start over. We
all make mistakes and we all have things that befall us that are devastating
I don’t think I have to
delineate them. All of this is compounded by the fact that the banking system
in the US
has run amok. Those smaller banks that try to do the right thing often go out
of business.
Just what do I mean by run amok?
I mean 29% interest rates on credit cards in what has become a 3% interest
world, and then absolutely refusing to help the consumer when they ask for
modest payment relief due to a sudden hardship. Couple this with the fact that
in 2007, they had the Bankruptcy laws in the US changed, so as to make it
impossible for many to walk away from their debts. Again, you should now know
that I do not advocate walking away from your debts just for the sake of it,
nothing good can come into your life from that approach. But, do you see what
the intent of the banking institutions was? Clearly to trap the consumer who
was already laboring under duress. Outrageous! None of this has changed. The
banks are tougher today than they have ever been, even though they receive gobs
of money from the Federal Reserve Bank, especially at the writing of this
Right now, the fractional
reserve is 10%. That means that the banks put up one dollar for every ten
dollars that they loan out. The collect insurance when you default on your
credit cards, then they sell the debt to debt collectors and claim the
difference as a loss on their tax returns. Banking just isn’t that complicated,
the system is using smoke and mirror tricks on you, and the tacking TV heads,
are in on the game.
I know, if you are reading this
you have been raised to live a moral life. You can define moral, as it is not
the point of this article. However, don’t let anyone lay a guilt trip on you
about using a sophisticated debt settlement program to get you out of a mess.
As a final note, I try to always
present the following opportunity for you to change your life. It is the most
incredible opportunity I have ever seen because all you have to do is follow
simple instructions.
All the rest has been done for
If you are so inclined feel free
to watch the following opportunity video, presented by Mr Ed Mercer one of the worlds
certified Billionaires explain it to you:
I hope this article has
benefited you in some way, and please feel absolutely free to call me
personally using the contact information below. The talking is always free.
The answer is clearly always. The days of enrolling a consumer into a program to simply provide debt help with unsecured debt are over. I have just declared it. So, you are saying, who is this guy and who appointed him to be anything. I am not declaring myself anything, just that I have been in this free credit counseling business for a long time.
is no question that a marked change for the better has taken place,
especially, since consumers have become both more savvy, and are deeper in debt. More people are filing bankruptcy than ever before in the history of the country. Yes, now debt is a world wide problem and I expect will take many years to clean up.
is the point of this article. Attorney firms that specialize in debt
settlement, as well as debt settlement companies must distinguish
themselves by helping the distressed consumer deal with more than just
getting rid of the debt. A consumer in debt has a reason why. I receive
countless hardship stories daily as a requirement of the enrollment
process. Lack of money, loss of a job, sickness, drug abuse and a myriad
of other things all led to the problem. Are we to just deal with this
debt problem and leave them saying now you are on your own? Absolutely
Here is what needs to be done to help the distressed consumer:
Insolvency Analysis - Going over the client's situation, budget and hardship for documentation Pre-Bankruptcy Analysis
- Screening client for possible BK in case their situation changes to
the point that it is their only option. Also used as a valid threat when
negotiating with the creditors. Asset Preservation Analysis - Discussing clients current assets and what steps they will need to take to protect them from the creditors. FDCPA Enforcement Program -
Education on what to do with the creditor calls and how to make sure
they abide by the laws. Also a way to report any infractions to the FTC
and State Attorney General You will have free enrollment into our FDCPA Creditor Harrassment Program Litigation Preparedness Program - Education on why creditors sue and what the process will be if it happens. Employment Analysis -
Making sure we understand the current employment status and future
employment status of the client. This helps us determine which direction
to move forward with and how aggressive we can be with their program.
the picture? This is what is called taking care of business not just
trying t stuff your pockets with cash. If you want to deal with a debt
settlement program that cares,
Just contact us.
And while I am at it here are the ADE Free Counseling Telephone numbers: You might want to hang them on your refrigerator.
Free Credit Counseling for Debt: 877-766-2465 Free Credit Restoration Counseling: 888-526-2661 Free Telephone Bankruptcy Counseling: 516-204-4640 (This is a National Number) Free Student Loan Consolidation Counseling: 855-794-3425
If you enjoyed this article please do subscribe to our FREE Credit Counseling Newsletter, by simply clicking the link and leaving your email address. We never share your information.
This idea actually comes from the
CREDIT SECRETS BIBLE reviewed in an earlier article
on this blog. This idea is based on the fact that having
an unsecured credit line which is largely not spent,
in other words a low "debt to credit" ratio can significantly
increase your credit or FICO score. I can tell you as a
Credit Counselor that the previous statement is absolutely true.
So, the question is how does this fact help you?
In keeping with the theme of this blog,and that is reviews
of books, and information about debt relief in all forms,
I have done some research on this issue. Their is a company called
OX Publishing, which sells books and music on their website,
and offers a Five Thousand dollar unsecured credit line to be
used to purchase their products.
Here are the details of the deal:
You can automatic approval of their credit card,
which reports to all three of the credit bureaus
monthly, and has 0 Interest. You must purchase 295.00
dollars worth of products initially, and upon receipt
of the credit card. You have to pay for the items as follows,
Initial payment 195.00 and the balance at 20.00 dollars per
month for five months. and an additional 100.00 dollars worth
of books and music every 6 months. You can visit the website
to see the items at:
Is it worth it? I would say that if most of your negatives
have been dealt with, by that I mean removed, and again you can do that with
CREDIT SECRETS BIBLE, then it may be well worth it. It will raise
your credit score significantly in the first 30 days.
Which may save you a fortune in interest on your financed purchases.
It is not a scam, but, yes, the company has found a niche
marketplace and a creative way to sell their products, so,
essentially, everyone wins. I have no financial interestdebt to credit ratio
in this company, and do not make money on its sales. This
is an objective review.
Writtem By:
Steven Ciantro
Member National Association of Certified Credit Counselors
American Debt Enders [email protected]
This ebook on debt settlement is very relevant for our times.
You will learn about making a hardship case with creditors, how to put
your ceditors on the defensive when negotiating with them. Addilionally,
you will learn how the debt industry works, why debt settlement
The book contains debt settlement legal forms,as well as debt settlement letters and contracts, all of which you will need if you are going to negotiate
yourself. The book is an easy read, at 39 pages.
At 19.95 well worth it, if settling your own debts is what you
wish to do. Click below to order: 19.95
Written Bt
Steven Ciantro
Member National Association of Certified Credit Counselors
American Debt Enders [email protected]
Yes, this is for real. Their are a number of state and
federal laws including the
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
and Fair Credit Reporting Act, that determine your legal consumer rights.
It is not unusual for creditors, collection agencies, and credit bureaus
to violate these laws. When they do there are monetary penalties imposed
that are either specific under the appropriate law, or to be determined by
the court when you win.
Suing Your Creditors when they violate your legal rights
levels the playing field if you are in a debt crises. It is one
thing not to be able to pay your debts because of unfortunate
circumstabces, but that does not open the door to creditor and
collector abuse.
This book is an effective step by step guide to the process
of how to file the necessary papers, and grounds to win on. Very detailed,
with actual cases. Anyone can do this, you do not need a legal background.
I personally know people who have successfully used the techniques outlined
in this book, to win awards, and stop creditor harassment.
If you are in this situation, and prefer not to enter a structured
Attorney Debt Settlement Program, then you should be helping yourself by reading this ebook.
Written By:
Steven Ciantro
Member National Association of Certified Credit Counselors
American Debt Enders [email protected]
Lets face it. The country is still in an economic mess.
When banks started lowering credit limits on all customers,
even the good ones, credit scores started dropping, personal
debt increased, late payments surged. Before we proceed
further, I am a certified credit counselor, and publish
FREE Credit Counseling Newsletter, which has become
widely read. This to say, I think I know a little bit
about my topic. And while I do not believe people should
be overly hung up on their credit scores, I do believe,
if possible you should have one high enough not to be
the object of predatory lending practices.
Many people, have been brainwashed into thinking
that if they have bad credit, it will take 7 to 10 years of
waiting before they will have good credit. This is a total
falsehood. Even the FTC publishes free information on how
to dispute If a credit report. If you have debt, first you
need to address getting out of debt. The Free credit counseling
newsletter (link above) contains a wealth of information to
help you do that.
If, your debt has been dealt with and you would like
to increase your credit score using the do it yourself approach,
then I would strongly recommend the "Credit Secrets Bible"
to you. The author is incredibly knowledgeable on the behind
the scenes workings of the credit bureaus, and information
gatherers which compile information used in generating your
FICO or credit score.
This book is far more than interesting, after
explaining in detail just how things work, the author goes
on to explain how to remove negatives from your credit reports,
in an absolutely legal manner. This is not a book with boiler
plate form letters to send to the credit bureaus denying the debt.
If it is your debt, then do not deny it. However, the Fair
Credit Reporting Act, defines when and how something can be
added to your credit report. The author clearly explains
how to utilize the law to your advantage. Does it work?
Absolutely. I have spoken with countless individuals who
have used the book to raise their credit scores by 100
to 200 points within a year of employing what the book
teaches. The book also comes with a money back guarantee,
and has been around for many years, with frequent updates.
The price of the ebook is 67.00 dollars, and available, just
Click Here!
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Written By:
Steven Ciantro
Member National Association of Certified Credit Counselors
[email protected]
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